Monday, 29 April 2013

Poem from the Credit crunch series


Glinting, in the glass cabinet,
a silversmith's ring -
well crafted, clever
like a frou frou skirt

the  silver slices 
remind of waves,
 or the petals of a rose 

It catches the light, transforms -
wants a hot dress date 
wants to join up with jeans
It's my leaving present.

The vouchers sat in a draw for nearly a year
redundant, like me
but I found the ring without trying
as if it was meant to be.

Idly tried it  like Cinderella
amazed by the fit as if
only made for my finger

Now the ring wears me,
Reminds, with its weight
leaving has
beautiful compensations

I've moved on.
Stunning, not stunned. 

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