Saturday, 30 March 2013

VIdeo: Chapter 1 of my novel, The Wish Bone

And here it is - on lauch day of my blog a video of me reading the first chapter of my novel, The Wish Bone. 


Anonymous said...

My Dearest Grace

How absolutely wonderful to get a glimpse into the precious world that is your first novel.

I was enchanted by the way you read your work, and the characterisation.

I know that this project has been a private, treasured possession of yours for a long time, so max respect for being brave enough to share it.

Can't wait to find out what happens to Freddie and his family, and to read the rest of the material on your fabulous blog - which in itself is a real achievement.

You should be extremely proud of yourself Grace, as I am of you. This is what you have been meant to do (and have been doing) your whole life - it is wonderful to see that you have now come to the point that you can let the world see the "Grace", beauty, and creativity that is at the heart of who you are.

Your proud and loving friend,

Grace said...

Dear Susan,
Thank you so much - I feel very emotional reading your comments on my blog. I'm so glad you're enjoying it, and can share it with you, my oldest friend.
I've never thought of my writing as being private - just not ready for the light - and the novel has been kept a little under wraps as I work out what it's going to say and how I need to say it. I keep seeing ways to improve the draft and it's beginning to feel like the Forth Bridge, but I have promised myself that I will finish the draft this year ready for sending off to an agent.
Sharing my stories on this blog is starting to feel very powerful - I can't believe the fantastic feedback I'm receiving. It makes a huge difference for the writer in the garret mentality. Thank you for posting your thoughts publicly

much love Gx