I have an aversion to entering competitions. It seems like a good idea but I don't do enjoy the waiting around - I tend to forget what I've entered, forget deadlines, forget when the results are announced, and sending off my entrance money into such a void seems a gamble when the certainties of the weekly shop are pressing.
Maybe there's a competition app for that - if so let me know!
So, I don't want to end up as a writer whose work was discovered after she died, tucked away in a forgotten place - such as this one at the wonderful Arnos Vale Cemetery. It's lovely to linger there and look at the statuary, but I'd rather make an impact here and now.
So I am entering the following competitions - small scale, local and hopefully winnable. They are:
Southville Flash Fiction and a poetry competition for the Easton Arts Trail. The challenge for that is to write a poem within 140 characters.
I'd advise writers to join local writers' groups or writers' groups on Facebook to find out what's going on locally in your area. In the UK Mslexia is a great resource for women who write. Rather than re-invent the wheel I will point to a fabulous blog and blogger, Tania Writes, who has collated a fantastic collection of small magazines to try. Then of course there's the Writers and Artists Yearbook - and I've just realised the deadline for a flash fiction piece or writing was yesterday. Doh...
Do you enter competitions? What works for you?
There was an interesting article in the FT last week about how all this social media posting is improving people's writing. I must say since I have been blogging for my business my writing is definitely much more better.
Good luck with competitions.
Thanks Greg. For years marketers have been saying that good content is great for Search Engine Optimisation. Doesn't it make sense for writers to use their skills to promote themselves and their websites?
PS Just heard I've had a poem accepted for one of the competitions I entered!
And the winner is ...........me! Just had the poem I entered for the Easton Art Trail accepted. Tick tick for my self esteem.!!!!
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